About me

I believe the future of enterprises and brands is at the intersection of customer management and technology platforms. Products enveloped with, services and trust-driven personalisation for a customer of one, will be the ones that will survive and win in the marketplace. I have been a Thinker, Change Agent, Student, Mentor, Strategist and Customer Management Architect with a keen eye for relentless execution. I believe permanent skilling is the only way to stay future relevant. I work with many people and companies to help them achieve these purposes.
Am the Co-Host, The ContraMinds Podcast and Founder/Partner ContraMinds Labs. Before that was Executive Director, R K Swamy-HANSA Group, Board Member, Hansa Cequity. Co-Founder, Co-Promoter & Ex-CEO, Hansa Cequity, one of India's leading data-driven Martech and Analytics firm. Hansa Cequity combines design, data, analytics, technology and consulting services to help enterprises build actionable data-driven marketing architecture, optimize marketing performance through analytical insights and thereby accelerating real-time customer engagement through technology.
Was Exec.Vice President and Head, iContract, India, a one-to-one marketing services company, Part of Wunderman Thompson, a WPP company. WPP is one of the world's top creative transformation firms.
Am an Engineer and a Management Graduate. I have over 30 years of work experience in data-driven, one-to-one marketing using analytics and technology.
Fellow of the Institute of Data & Marketing, London
Member of the American Marketing Association
Member of CXPA(Customer Experience Professionals Association), USA
Was a Regional Member of NASSCOM. NASSCOM is the premier trade body and chamber of commerce of the Tech industry in India and comprises over 3000 member companies including both Indian and multinational organisations that have a presence in India.
Am actively involved in teaching at top management schools and also write and publish articles in leading business dailies and magazines. I also run my own blog and podcast.
Trained Percussionist, an avid Carnatic Music( Indian Classical music) fan and loves cricket.