Interactive Posters/Outdoor - Hypertags can make it happen

29.07.05 02:42 PM By S.Swaminathan


Why use dumb posters and outdoor signages, when your customers can now interact with the message on them?  Yes, you can transform the experience with Hypertag now.

A Hypertag is a new way of allowing you to access info and content on your mobile phone directly from objects like outdoor advertisments and signages. It works by allowing infra-red or Bluetooth mobile phones, and PDAs (e.g. Palm Pilots or Pocket PCs) to interact with a small electronic tag which is attached to outdoor ads or signages.

Click here to  know if  it works on your mobiles. It even differentiates each mobile phone and sends compatible content.

I think it is great to use it for direct response lead generation, stimulating sales, couponing, promotions, reminders, branded downloads - ring tones, screen savers etc. Imagine am a restaurant owner and my signage could send a coupon on request with a special offer, as a mobile customer is walking past my restaurant!

There are also interesting case studies for us to get  more ideas.


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