Mobile Literature

28.03.06 03:34 PM By S.Swaminathan

Richard Taylor writes in BBC News:

Two-thirds of Japan's population - about 80 million people - are using their mobiles in ways which would make the rest of us gasp in astonishment.

In Japan, another string has been recently been added to the mobile bow with the launch of electronic books and comics specifically for phones.Today there are a number of sites, where for a subscription of $10 to 15 (£5.70 to £8.70) a month you can download every genre imaginable to your heart's content. Bandai Networks is one of the largest publishing outfits in this brave new world. They have their own steadily growing mobile site, with 20,000 users subscribing to a catalogue of 400 plus titles.

Mobile literature

The books are proving such a hit that Bandai is hiring authors to train others would-be writers in the art of mobile literature. One established novelist told me the new medium is creating a new form of expression.

And perhaps more importantly, it is reversing the younger generation's apathy towards reading.

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