Living life in the edge

09.06.07 05:52 PM By S.Swaminathan

I have been reading a lot articles on disruption,crisis management in corporations, rapid cultural changes in society, changing media habits of consumers due to new techonologies etc. I have always wondered how does one keep pace with such sweeping changes and how, me as a leader, keep the edge without jumping off the edge? Here are some interesting tips from Fast Company on what some leaders do:

Many leaders say that pushing the limits outside the office gives them the experience of being in the moment, especially in times of crisis and keeps them focused, ready to take action. They say it helps them become comfortable with pressure and embrace risk.

  • Continue moving…inaction leads to stagnation.
  • Read…anything.
  • Talk to people…constantly.
  • Ask for feedback and be open to what you hear.
  • Try something that seems counterintuitive.
  • Don't let others in your organization do all the dirty work.
  • Go work "on the line or in the trenches".
  • Do a 360 on yourself.

Try This

Make a list of all the things that inspire you about other leaders. Compare them to your skill sets. What are you missing that they have? This is a great place to start understanding what you need to do to go to the next level. Then start learning those skills and practicing them. Start now, even if it's scary. You don't have to jump out of a plane to get your heart pumping; sometimes it is as simple as looking in the mirror and telling yourself the truth about something you should be doing and then taking the steps to do it.


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