Secrets to building a customer-centric organization - #4

07.10.07 04:30 PM By S.Swaminathan

When it comes to building a team in an organization that thinks and breathes customers & selling best-in-class offerings, the process of recruiting the right 'fit' people rather than just the right people is important. What does this mean? It means that you might have identified the most qualified and the most experienced person for the job but they might not fit the culture, values, motivation, passion and environment that you may have in your company. The right fit is as much important as the right people. NY Times has an interesting article on 3 ingredients of success which provides more insights when you want to evaluate people and understand why they do what they do:

  • After interviewing 200 people worldwide “who have made a difference in their fields,” three authors conclude that “success in the long run has less to do with finding the best idea or business model than it does with discovering what matters to us as individuals.”

  • “When success just means wealth, fame and power it doesn’t last and it isn’t satisfying.”

  • find lasting success when three essential elements come into alignment in their lives and work.
  1. The first element is meaning. “What you do must matter deeply to you,”
  2. The second is a “highly developed sense of accountability, audacity, passion and responsible optimism.”
  3. Successful people “find effective ways to take action.”

Check the people who you want to recruit against this backdrop because you want to have in your team winners and not losers. Believe me, the difference will show and your customers will see it.


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