Stories of customer ownership - Do you have one?

25.02.06 08:40 PM By S.Swaminathan

Fast company has this nice compilation on FAST TALK about Brand Revivers. It's truly inspirational!

Kim Richmond, EVP Marketing, FAO Schwarz - We went to vendors and talked to them about personalizing the experience for every child. When it came time to hire new staff, we weren't looking for retail background. We were looking for passion. You're on stage the whole time you're working here, so we rented an off-Broadway theater in New York and had a casting call.

Paolo Timoni, CEO, Piaggio USA - A lot of companies have a name, and they assume that a name is a brand. No. Brands are something that take a very long time to develop, a mix of science and art. Some of the things you can explain, some you can't.

Jacqueline Maartense, EVP, global product marketing, Corel If everybody gets close to customers, the organization will build a better product. It's as simple and as hard as that. The dialogue you inspire with customers and employees is where real insight comes from.We have a program called Follow Me Home, an Intuit innovation, where we literally follow customers into their homes and watch them use our products.

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