Customer World Blog

While companies and marketers understand the importance & appreciate the value of customer experience, I have often found there are very little studies that quantify the value of the same. Often, there is more intent and less action, as it is difficult to justify the customer experience investme...

03.08.14 06:52 PM - Comment(s)

I read a fairly provocative article by MIT's  Michael Schrage on Why your Analytics are failing you in the HBR Blog.

I totally agree with Scharage's perspective in the article. Today, there is a hyper-sensitivity & hyper-activity in enterprises about analytics and putting it to use quickly ...

13.04.14 10:10 AM - Comment(s)

I have been observing, talking and writing about the incredible convergence & power of data, analytics and contextual marketing for marketers for sometime now. Will 2014 see the beginning of this trend & wider adoption?

I believe so and I am starting to see some green shoots around this marke...

12.01.14 02:23 PM - Comment(s)

I was reading Bill Lee's  HBR blog article on Marketing is dead. Quite an evocative headline, I must say. We have either heard or seen such headlines for example - CRM is dead, Long live CRM!

So, I wanted to get away from the hyperbole to the real message or take-out there from his article....

12.08.12 05:26 PM - Comment(s)

I was reading a very interesting article by Don Peppers on the Untapped Value of Customer Complaints. I thought it was a lovely piece which brought out some very important points on this topic in a brilliant manner.

  • If you feel a company has wronged you in some way, then you’ll be examining ever...
05.08.12 11:01 PM - Comment(s)

The word "intentcast" has been used by Doc Searls, one of the proponents of customera taking control of their own data vs companies take control of the data.  He has written a brilliant piece in Wall Street Journal - Customer as God basis his new book intent economy.

 He makes a v...

22.07.12 10:10 PM - Comment(s)

I had written in my last blog post about the WSJ's Data Transparency Weekend.

Here are some very interesting applications and winners. There are some very lovely ideas here!

  • Outstanding Scanning Project:TOSBack2 – a project to scan the Web to build a “living archive” of all privacy policies online.
  • Out...
18.04.12 03:00 PM - Comment(s)

Your data is the single biggest business for many existing and emerging companies across the world.

The web browsing you do is tracked thro' your IP and the cookies that get dropped in your PC or tablet leaves trails of our behaviour which many companies trade for money! The mobile phone that you use...

08.04.12 09:28 AM - Comment(s)


As QR codes are beginning to revolutionize the convergence between the web and mobile, building new ways for brands to interact with customers, adding the power of interactivity, data & information for advertising campaigns, I have always found that it is not easy for not so tech-savvy cus...

19.02.12 10:39 PM - Comment(s)

This week there was an interesting debate around P&G CEO - Bob McDonald's comment. He had mentioned that:

“In the digital space, with things like Facebook and Google and others, we find that the return on investment of the advertising, when properly designed, when the big idea is there, can be mu...

12.02.12 03:10 PM - Comment(s)


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