customer marketing

Blog tagged as customer marketing

Most often, I have been left wondering, what impact does my company make with businesses  that I deal with, the value difference some of the activities/programs that my clients' customers see of what we do for them and how to measure it effectively, showcase the value created to our employees w...

30.05.10 11:30 PM - Comment(s)

Keith of KRG Marketing responded to my last post on Marketing in a world when the door is already shut.

He pointed me to his presentation on Sovereign Consumer which is brilliant. I have embedded this presentation here. I liked a couple of points from this presentation which I think are game changin...

25.04.10 10:37 AM - Comment(s)

I am bombarded in a day with hundreds of emails and SMSs- many of them are promotional emails and SMSs. I simply ignore them.

I sit in front of the TV to watch my favorite program and I see a ticker running with messages.Just fails to grab my attention.

I am out to watch a movie and suddenly I realiz...

21.04.10 06:13 PM - Comment(s)

I have never seen this before - an agreement between the customer and the company.

It just outlines beautifully the organization-wide mission that employees have to adopt and the interesting twist is how customers agree to behave with  or treat the company!  I believe this makes imminent s...

06.03.10 12:18 PM - Comment(s)

The world of database marketing has changed since the time we knew it . There were only a few options as one knew it - lists - internal/ external, direct mail and telemarketing a decade or two ago. Today, for companies, customers come from different channels - social media, mobile, website leads thr...

04.10.09 07:49 PM - Comment(s)


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