
Blog categorized as Business

Many a times, it is easy for companies to talk about being customer-centric, customer-focussed etc. But, it needs the right attitude and mindset in people who work for the organization, to make it happen on the ground.  Here's a set of rules from a book called Exceeding Customer Expectations an...

18.02.07 03:13 PM - Comment(s)

There's a lot buzz & interest around customer-centricity and CRM but according to a survey done by Strativity Group, many executives in companies really don't understand the economics behind customer relationships leading to poor understanding, appreciation and execution. Take a look at some fin...

18.02.07 02:52 PM - Comment(s)

In a digital era, how do rural and poor communities share stories with one another? By a Nokia mobile phone, with adapted software, if academics in London and campaigners here get positive results from their project.

Using mobile phones with simplified icons, which villagers would find easier to deal...

11.02.07 05:24 PM - Comment(s)

Jefferey Phillips writes:

Every once in a while, become your customer.  As much as possible, step away from your team, your process or your company and experience what it's like to interact with your group from an objective customer's point of view.  I suspect you'll be surprised at what y...

27.01.07 02:40 PM - Comment(s)

Someone asked me the other the day, if I have been talking and spreading the philosophy of the ideal work culture that our office should practice, the need for extreme customer-centricity amongst employees, a passion for the work one does etc. for so many years now, why is that there are only a few ...

22.01.07 07:48 AM - Comment(s)

Business Week reports:

It's a first, however, for General Electric's health-care unit, which sells $15 billion a year worth of clunky X-ray machines, CAT-scan machines, and ultrasound testing equipment. The health-care division has long been a technology innovator. But it has historically tried to di...

21.01.07 11:32 AM - Comment(s)

On-demand customers are changing the way companies are transforming the workplace. Business Week has an interesting article on how Best Buy is responding to this challenge:

The nation's leading electronics retailer has embarked on a radical--if risky--experiment to transform a culture once known for ...

11.12.06 10:24 PM - Comment(s)

It's the inside story that holds some lessons... that insidious thing called culture.  We've blogged quite a bit about the myths and realities of culture.  It is one of the least understood aspects of companies... and also one of the most abused by management. As Bill put it many months ag...

10.12.06 04:34 PM - Comment(s)

If you want to build a truly customer-centric company, there is a thing or two to learn from Toyota. Kevin Meyer writes about Toyota's philsophy of ' A presumption of imperfection':

Although their sales, profits, and market share are increasing at the same time GM and the rest of the big three are in...

10.12.06 04:16 PM - Comment(s)

I often wonder how to get my organization aligned to customers and get all employees to have shared goals. I realize that it is far easier said than done. Getting an alignment across the entire organization is what I have to come believe is the key difference between the best customer-centric compan...

09.12.06 09:54 AM - Comment(s)


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